

Suddenly she's there, a girl
Suddenly it's there, a speck, a ball

STIP gives, the girl gets.
But the girl wants more and more
So STIP gives and gives, until ... STIP stops giving.
Ooo? What now?

STIP is about not always getting what you want,
about getting more than you want.
A non-verbal, musical, poetic performance about 
friendship, growing, giving and taking.

Based on  the piece by Philippe Verkinderen, Michel Verkinderen & Stefan Gaelens
performed by: Loes Carrette, Stan Vangheluwe and Laurens Van Bouwelen
Director: Frans Van der Aa
Composition music: Stefan Gaelens
Scenography: Michel Verkinderen
Costumes: Dorine Demuynck


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